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FRC Game



About Us

The Robodores seek to inspire students of all ages to take part in STEM education, and to raise public awareness of FIRST and what it does for the students who participate in it. Located at Monterey High School in Monterey, California, we transform the students of today into the leaders of tomorrow.


Students put in countless hours each week towards building robots and inspiring others through FIRST. In the off-season, the team meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from after school until 6PM, and on Saturdays from 9AM - 4PM. In the on-season, the team adds has an even busier schedule, with a meeting on Friday until 6PM as well.


FIRST's mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.


FIRST participation is proven to encourage students to pursue education and careers in STEM-related fields, inspire them to become leaders and innovators, and enhance their 21st century work-life skills. Read more about the Impact of FIRST.


Our Story

The team was founded at Monterey High School in the 2011-2012 season, and quickly expanded with the help of the head coach Robin Coyne to include a robotics engineering pathway at the school, along with the implementation of engineering classes at nearby Seaside High. Robin Coyne recognized the value and need in the community for a STEM-related program that would connect students to well-established industry professionals, develop leaders and prepare students for a career in STEM.


While the team had a rocky first few years getting established and securing enough funding, it is now embarking on its ninth season with the program, and over the years has developed into a team of consistently 20+ hard-working young adults, eager to pursue the next step in FIRST Robotics.

“I would say that at World's, I had fun meeting people from all over the world. I was able to see unique and innovative designs for robots that worked incredibly well, and it gave me new insights on how we could approach our designs for the coming season. At World's, I was able to witness the most efficient ways to run a team, and was also able to work with my own team to remodel our current team structure. My most memorable experience was watching the intense Einstein Finals."



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